Pursuit of Truth

For those with faith, those who seek, and the curious: I hope to supply you with resources to learn about various belief systems. This is a tool to use, not a platform to criticize or condemn. I hope to initiate your passion for learning and to help you realize the true beauty of human life and the world we share. I hope to foster empathetic understanding, and most importantly, I challenge you to seek Truth in its fullness and to discover how much more there is to learn.

Each tradition’s respective page is based upon the phenomenological method for exploring religion. For the greatest holistic perspective, I recommend starting with these, located in the menu above.

“Truth is not private property.”

Saint Augustine

“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth


“Truth will always be truth, regardless of lack of understanding, disbelief or ignorance”

W. Clement Stone

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